Why certify dog behavior consultants?
Establishing a credentialing program strengthens the reputation of a profession. While a certification program isn’t an endorsement of an individual, it tells anyone who is considering hiring a professional that this person has sought out a credentialing program and has passed the credential’s requirements.
Can people become certified without taking the examination?
No. The certification process is a standardized program specifically designed for fair treatment of all candidates. The only way to ensure the integrity of this process is to require that all candidates are assessed equally.
How many certified behavior consultants are there?
As of December 2023, there are 519 CBCC-KAs worldwide.
What is the difference between APDT and CCPDT®?
The CCPDT offers independent certification to dog training and behavior professionals and is an organization of “certificants.” Certificants have taken and passed one of our examinations, and continue to recertify to retain the credential. APDT (Association of Professional Dog Trainers) is an education-focused organization of “members.” Members are individuals with an interest in the goals of the organization, who pay annual membership dues to participate. Members continue to be part of the organization as long as they continue to pay their annual dues.
Why do I not have to be a CPDT-KA® or CPDT-KSA® to be a CBCC-KA®?
We know many CPDT-KA/KSA certificants practice behavior consulting, but we also recognize important differences between the job tasks of a CPDT-KA/KSA versus that of a CBCC-KA. Our goal in having different examinations is to recognize each professional’s specialized role within our profession.
What information is tested?
We designed the knowledge assessed (-KA) behavior certification exam to test the knowledge a dog behavior consultant must have. The test questions are created by acknowledged dog behavior experts. The questions are multiple-choice—the most frequently used format in examinations that validate a candidate’s competence to perform the work of the profession—and are based on a general knowledge of dog behavior and application of behavior modification techniques.
When and where are the exams given?
We offer the behavior consultant examination every Spring and Fall at Prometric computerized testing locations. Please check for a location near you or please call 1-800-741-0934. For more info, see the CBCC Candidate Handbook.
What material is covered in the examination?
The exam domains are applied behavior analysis; consulting skills and best practices; ethology, body language, and observational skills; health, development, and life stages; biology and anatomy; scientific method. For a complete test content outline, download the CBCC Candidate Handbook.
What is the passing score?
The passing score for the exam is figured using generally accepted psychometric principles and methods to determine what constitutes a competent dog behavior professional. Each candidate is measured against this standard, not against the performance of other individuals taking the examination.
How many people have taken the test?
As of December 2023, 763 candidates have taken the CBCC-KA examination.
What is the pass/fail rate?
As of December 2023, the cumulative pass rate is 76%.
If I’ve earned excess CEUs, can I carry them forward to the next recertification period?
No. One of the requirements and objectives of certification is for behavior consultants to stay current on new research and behavior modification techniques.
Taking classes is expensive. How else can I recertify?
You don’t have to recertify by way of continuing education units (CEUs), you can instead re-take the examination prior to expiration. We allow this alternative because we continually keep our examination up-to-date with the latest techniques, methods, and equipment, so candidates have to be current in their field to pass it.
I missed the recertification deadline. What should I do?
You can apply for recertification up to 30 days past your Recertification Application Deadline. A late fee of $100 applies. After your certification expiration date, you have to reapply for certification through the same process as when you originally became certified.
Can I get an extension on the recertification due date?
Under certain unusual or extraordinary circumstances, yes. To get a one-year extension, send a written explanation via email of why you need one to the CCPDT board at least 30 days before your certification expiration date.